Standing Up For Texas Injury Victims

Two Ways Insurance Companies Will Pay for a Rental Car

On Behalf of | Sep 9, 2020 | Car Accident, Drunk Driver, Personal injury, Property Damage

In the wake of a car accident, you may be stuck without a car while yours is being repaired. Fortunately, there are two ways insurance company can and should pay for a rental car. However, getting them to do so can be difficult. The good news is that the car accident attorneys at The Law Offices of Andrew J. Wooley have the knowledge to handle this issue. Below, we provided the two ways insurance companies can and should pay for your rental car.

If the insurance company is still giving you trouble, Give Us a Call or Text at 214-699-6524 or email us at [email protected] for a free evaluation.

1. Liability Coverage

This is the policy of the at fault driver. It will pay for your rental car while your car is being repair. The easiest way to get into a rental car is to let the insurance company arrange the rental car for you. If you do, they will pay the rental car company directly and handle all the paperwork. But, the insurance company will not pay for extras like rental car insurance. It’s important to note that liability coverage does not cover your rental car if the vehicle is declared a total loss. As soon as the insurance company declares your vehicle a total loss, it will stop paying for your rental car. So if you believe your car will be declared a total loss, you need to start looking for a new car as soon as possible.

2. Rental Reimbursement Coverage

Rental car reimbursement is paid through your insurance. It pays for a rental car only when your covered by comprehensive and collision coverage. Your insurance company won’t pay for the rental car indefinitely. Normally, there is a per-day and per-accident limit. For example, your coverage may have a limit of $25 per day or $750 per accident.

We hope that this information helps you with your claim. If you have been involved in a car accident in Texas, it is important to know that insurance companies will try to limit your recovery. If you feel that an insurance company is trying to take advantage of you, Give Us a Call or Text at 214-699-6524 or email us at [email protected] for a free evaluation.